See our latest big-data analysis, focused on consumer products.

Apple® vs. Samsung:
The Brand Comparison Report

Based on the extensive analysis on thousands of people (either Apple or Samsung fans) and their preferences in many fields, Exa Futures developed a broad statistical study to compare the clusters on multiple dimensions.

Find out favorite music, celebrities, drinks, places to visit, and much more, for both consumer groups studied.

Get the FREE report today.
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    By completing and submitting this form, you understand and agree that Exa Futures will contact you to deliver the requested report. The report shared with you is provided as-is, free of charge, only for illustrative purposes to demonstrate Exa Futures’ analysis tools. Exa Futures shall not be responsible or liable for damage or loss caused by the receiving party’s interpretation of this report.

    apple samsung report

    What you will find in the deck

    The full 28-pages report shows statistically-relevant data on many fields of interest, where Apple and Samsung fans have expressed some clear differences in preferences. From Rock Bands to Books, from Places to Personalities, from Consumer Products to favorite Apps (and much more), you will find out how the two groups indicate different lifestyle preferences.

    The report also suggests data-driven considerations that can be leveraged by businesses, in marketing, product development, and more.


    We measure statistically-relevant differences.


    We cover more than 770 dynamic categories.


    We analyze aggregate data of people who proactively expressed such interests.

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    apple samsung report3

    Structure of the Report

    28 pages. 16 main categories analyzed. Over 100 specific interests and brands identified.

    Each slide shows on one side Apple’s fans preferences and on the other Samsung’s preferences.

    Graphical visualization of the analysis for all preferences, alongside with the data supporting the conclusions.

    CircleMe, The Interest Platform as The Enabler

    These studies are possible thanks to the availability of the platform CircleMe. CircleMe is an interest-based platform, which hundreds of thousands of people access to proactively express their interests (in any field) in order to receive news and other content about them.

    CircleMe offers an interest-graph of more than 1 MILLION topics, subdivided in 10 categories and over 770 dynamic sub-categories, and with millions of articles associated to them.

    Respecting the privacy of our users, we are able to analyze the aggregate data extracted from the platform, building intelligence on how society’s interests relate to each other.


    1 MILLION topics available to choose from. 10 categories. 770+ subcategories.

    5M+ content nuggets.


    Personalized feed of posts, news and calendar events adapt to the person's interests profile.


    The system profiles the person and suggests new interests based on recommendation algorithms.

    Eager to view the results?

    Want to see how the people who like Apple® and Samsung differ from each other in lifestyle? Get our FREE REPORT NOW.

    While receiving many interesting insights on this marketing study, we hope you will also get an appreciation for the scope of our work at Exa Futures.

    By completing and submitting this form, you understand and agree that Exa Futures will contact you to deliver the requested report. The report shared with you is provided as-is, free of charge, only for illustrative purposes to demonstrate Exa Futures’ analysis tools. Exa Futures shall not be responsible or liable for damage or loss caused by the receiving party’s interpretation of this report.

      Exa Futures Srl • P.IVA 09428400965
      Via Durini 26 • Milano, Italy • +39 340 7766801